Showing posts with label Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Security. Show all posts

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Recover email passwords from email client.(Mail PassView).

Mail PassView is a small password-recovery tool that reveals the passwords and other account details for the following email clients: > Outlook Express > Microsoft Outlook 2000 (POP3 and SMTP Accounts only) > Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003/2007/2010/2013 (POP3, IMAP, HTTP and SMTP...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

List of network protocols on OSI model.

In this post we will know about network protocols organized by OSI model. This is list of network protocols, classified by Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model layers. OSI model Layer 1 (Physical Layer)  >> Telephone network modems- V.92>> IRDA physical layer>>...

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Bypass Hardware or software Firewall/Proxy to access block sites [100% safe and working].

Hello friends generally in many of the offices, schools and even in few countries, it’s very common that to social media and many other sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Gaming sites etc... are blocked. Most of the times, it is done to increase productivity and protect users interact with unofficial...

Monday, February 2, 2015

VirusTotal Windows Uploader Utility

VirusTotal Uploader is a simple Microsoft Windows Desktop application that makes the interaction with VirusTotal as easy as a right-click.To upload a file to VirusTotal, we can visit the site and uplaoad a file to check.We can also make this process more simple with the free VirusTotal...

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

icacls - Display or modify permission for files and folders using windows command prompt.

We can Display or modify Access Control Lists (ACLs) or permission for files and folders using windows command prompt too.Access Control Lists can be only applied to files stored on an NTFS formatted drive. Each ACL specify which users (or groups of users) can read or edit the file.  When...

Saturday, January 10, 2015

ARP Commands

ARP - Address Resolution ProtocolDisplay and modify the IP-to-Physical address translation tables used by address resolution protocol.SyntaxView the current ARP table on the system.arp -aarp -gAdd a static ARP entry manually.arp -s ip_addr eth_addr(MAC_addr)Delete ARP table entry,arp -d (To delete complete ARP table)arp -d ip_addr (To delete entry for a specific IP address)ARP Helparp /?If two hosts...

Friday, January 2, 2015

Ping is not recognized as internal or external command (Solved).

1. Right-Click on Computer > Properties > Advanced system settings.2. Select the "Advanced" tab.3. Click on "Environment Variables" below.4. Under "System Variables" locate Path and choose 'EDIT'.5. Paste ";%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%" at the end (Without quotes ".)8. Click "OK" to sa...

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Google Search Tips and Tricks.

1. Search on specific websites :-You can use Google Search to search through specific websites. Example, if you don’t like the search for a news on news site, you can just open Google and type followed by whatever you want to search for.2. Search using a image :-You all know that you...

Friday, December 26, 2014

Block Facebook application and game requests in 3 simple steps.

Game and application requests are very annoying. They consume a lot of our time. For example, When ever you login to your Facebook and see there are many notification and all of them are only of games and application such as Candy Crush Saga, Candy Crush Soda Saga, Bubble Shooter, etc.... Due to this...

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

How to Delete YouTube History.

As similar  to to many other sites and mentioned in my previous post Youtube too stores our search history.Lets see how to Delete them :- 1 - Open and login to your youtube account.2 - Click on “History” at the left sidebar and then click on “Clear all watch history” to delete....

Facebook Stores our Activity (How to delete It.)

As similar  to to many other sites Facebook also stores our activity. For example if we have ever looked up someone, or a page on Facebook, our searches will be saved in our Activity Log. Others will not have access to what we had searched, but Facebook, and who ever is having  access to...

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Delete your search history from Google

We are searching for a lot of our online time. Many of the time we that is too private, like personal medical advice, financial enquirers etc. Many of us may not know the fact that their search history is saved online in the hands of Google.What makes things worse is when some anyone using your machine...